
Neon is a serverless Postgres platform that lets your agents create and manage databases on demand. It supports ephemeral or long-lived Postgres instances for storing structured data.


  1. A Neon account. If you do not have one, sign up at Neon.
  2. Get your API key from the Neon Console.
  3. The tool will automatically install required dependencies:
    • neon-api
    • psycopg2-binary


agentstack tools add neon



Available Actions

The following actions are automatically included when you add the Neon tool to your agent:

  1. create_database
    Creates a new Neon project and returns a connection URI. Default settings create a database called neondb with the neondb_owner role.

    The agent’s response to errors will depend on its reasoning about the specific situation. It may retry a failed action, but this behavior is probabilistic rather than deterministic.
  2. execute_sql_ddl
    Run schema commands (e.g., CREATE TABLE) using a connection URI and SQL command. Transactions are automatically handled.

  3. run_sql_query
    Run data queries (e.g., SELECT, INSERT) using a connection URI and SQL query. Results are returned as formatted strings.

Using the Tool

Add the Neon tool to your agent:

def db_writer(self) -> Agent:
    return Agent(
        tools=[*['neon']],  # Includes all Neon actions listed above

For a complete example, see AgentStack/examples/web_researcher where an agent stores collected data in Postgres as part of a multi-agent workflow.

Usage Note

When you add the Neon tool to an existing project, all its tools will be added to every agent in the agents.yaml file. You may need to remove unused tools to keep each agent’s scope clear.