This document is a work-in-progress as we build to version 0.3 and helps define the structure of the project that we are aiming to create.

AgentStack is a framework-agnostic toolkit for bootstrapping and managing AI agents. Out of the box it has support for a number of tools and generates code to get your project off the ground and deployed to a production environment. It also aims to provide robust tooling for running and managing agents including logging, debugging, deployment, and observability via AgentOps.

Developers with limited agent experience should be able to get an agentic workflow up and running in a matter of minutes. Developers with more experience should be able to leverage the tools provided by AgentStack to create more complex workflows and deploy them to production with ease.



A project is a user’s implementation of AgentStack that is used to implement and agentic workflow. This is a directory the agentstack shell command is executed from.


Frameworks are the target platforms that agentstack can generate code for. We don’t implement all of the functionality provided by a framework, but instead leverage them to create agentic workflows and provide tooling to aid in their creation and operation. Documented in Frameworks


Tools are implementations from useful third party libraries that are provided to Agents in the user’s project. AgentStack handles implementation details and dependency management for these tools. Documented in Tools


When a user initiates agentstack run the runtime is the environment that is created to execute the tasks in the project. This includes the environment variables, the tools that are available, and the agents that are available to perform work. The Public API is available to the user’s project at runtime.


The environment is the set of variables that are available to the project. The user’s ~/.env file is loaded first, and then the project’s .env file is loaded to override any variables specific to the project.

Public API

The public API is available inside of a project after declaring import agentstack. We intentionally keep the exports sparse to maintain a usable module tree inside the user’s project, while only ever importing the single keyword.


<pathlib.Path> This is the path to the current project directory.


<callable> This is a decorator that marks a method as belonging to an Agent.


<callable> This is a decorator that marks a method as belonging to a Task.[<tool_name>]

<callable> This is a tool that is available to agents in the project. Tools are implementations from useful third party libraries that are provided to Agents in the user’s project. Configuration, dependency management, and wrapper implementations are provided by AgentStack. Tools implemented at this level are framework-agnostic and expose useful implementations as callables for agents to use including docstrings and type hints for argument and return types.


<str> This is the name of the current framework ie. "crewai".


<dict[str, str]> Returns the inputs for a project. These are the variables that can be used to configure tasks in the project and are stored in the inputs.yaml file inside the project directory.


<List[str]> Returns the tags for a project. These are strings that help identify the workflow in an AgentOps observability context.

agentstack.get_agent(name: str)

<AgentConfig> Returns the configuration for an agent in the project. Content of this object originates from the project’s agents.yaml file.


<List[AgentConfig]> Returns a list of all the agents in the project.


<List[str]> Returns a list of all the agent names in the project.

agentstack.get_task(name: str)

<TaskConfig> Returns the configuration for a task in the project. Content of this object originates from the project’s tasks.yaml file.


<List[TaskConfig]> Returns a list of all the tasks in the project.


<List[str]> Returns a list of all the task names in the project.


These namespaces occupy the root of agentstack and are shared across all project & frameworks. Methods from these products are generally candidates for availability in the public API for use within a project.


Agents are the actual personalities that accomplish work. We provide tools for interacting with the agents.yaml configuration file in this package.


<AgentConfig> This class represents an agent in the project. It is used to read and modify the agents.yaml file.


  • name <str> The name of the agent.
  • role <str> The role prompt for the agent.
  • goal <str> The goal prompt for the agent.
  • backstory <str> The backstory prompt for the agent.
  • prompt <str> The full prompt for the agent (formatted role + goal + backstory).
  • llm <str> The LLM to use for the agent (ie. "openai/gpt-4o").
  • provider <str> The provider to use for the agent (ie. "openai").
  • model <str> The model to use for the agent (ie. "gpt-4o").


Instantiate AgentConfig with the name of the agent to read the relevant part from the user project’s agents.yaml file.

agent_config = AgentConfig("agent_name")

Use the AgentConfig as a context manager to modify and write the relevant part of the user project’s agents.yaml file.

with AgentConfig("agent_name") as agent_config:
    agent_config.role = "You are a friendly assistant."

agents.get_agent(name: str)

<AgentConfig> Shortcut to return an AgentConfig object for a given agent name.


<List[str]> Returns a list of all the agent names in the project.


<List[AgentConfig]> Returns a list of all the agents in the project.


Tasks are the individual units of work that an Agent can perform. agents will use the tools they have available to accomplish tasks. We provide tools for interacting with the tasks.yaml configuration file in this package.


<TaskConfig> This class represents a task in the project. It is used to read and modify the tasks.yaml file.


  • name <str> The name of the task.
  • description <str> The description prompt for the task.
  • expected_output <str> The expected output prompt of the task.
  • prompt <str> The full prompt for the task (formatted description + expected output).
  • agent <str> The agent name to use for the task.


Instantiate TaskConfig with the name of the task to read the relevant part from the user project’s tasks.yaml file.

task_config = TaskConfig("task_name")

Use the TaskConfig as a context manager to modify and write the relevant part of the user project’s tasks.yaml file.

with TaskConfig("task_name") as task_config:
    task_config.description = "How many R's are in strawberry."

tasks.get_task(name: str)

<TaskConfig> Initialize a TaskConfig to read and modify tasks.yaml in the current project.


<List[str]> Returns a list of all the task names in the project.


<List[TaskConfig]> Returns a list of all the tasks in the project.


Inputs are variable data that can be used to configure tasks. Behind the scenes inputs are interpolated into task prompts to determine their specialization. We provide tools for interacting with the inputs.yaml configuration file in this package.

TODO: Iterable inputs that can be used to generate tasks for multiple sequential runs.

InputsConfig.__init__(name: str)

<InputsConfig> Initialize an InputsConfig to read and modify inputs.yaml in the current project.

InputsConfig.__getitem__(key: str)

<str> Instance method to get the value of an input from the inputs.yaml file.

InputsConfig.__setitem__(key: str, value: str)

<None> Instance method to set the value of an input in the inputs.yaml file.


<dict[str, str]> This function returns the inputs for a project.

inputs.add_input_for_run(key: str, value: str)

<None> This function adds an input for a run to the inputs.yaml file. A run is the current execution of the agentstack command (ie. agentstack run --inputs-foo=bar) and inputs set here will not be saved to the project state.


Templates are configuration data stored in a JSON file that can be used to generate an entire project. This is useful for bootstrapping a new project which adheres to a common pattern or exporting your project to share.

Templates are versioned, and each previous version provides a method to convert it’s content to the current version.

TemplateConfig.from_user_input(identifier: str)

<TemplateConfig> Returns a TemplateConfig object for either a URL, file path, or builtin template name.

TemplateConfig.from_template_name(name: str)

<TemplateConfig> Returns a TemplateConfig object for a given template name.

TemplateConfig.from_file(path: Path)

<TemplateConfig> Returns a TemplateConfig object for a given template file path.

TemplateConfig.from_url(url: str)

<TemplateConfig> Returns a TemplateConfig object after loading data from a URL.

TemplateConfig.from_json(data: dict)

<TemplateConfig> Returns a TemplateConfig object from a parsed JSON object.

TemplateConfig.write_to_file(filename: Path)

<None> Instance method to serialize and write the TemplateConfig data to a file.


<List[Path]> This function returns a list of all the template paths in the project.


<List[str]> This function returns a list of all the template names in the project.


<List[TemplateConfig]> This function returns a list of all the templates in the project as TemplateConfig objects.


We implement basic abstractions for graphing the relationships between agents and tasks in a project.


Configuration data for the AgentStack application. This includes the path to the current project directory and the name of the current framework.


<bool> This is a flag that indicates whether the application is in debug mode.

set_debug(debug: bool)

<None> This function sets the debug mode for the application.


<pathlib.Path> This is the path to the current project directory. It may change during program execution, so always use conf.PATH to reference the global value.

set_path(path: Path)

<None> This function sets the path to the current project directory.


This is the configuration file for a user’s project. It contains the project’s configuration and metadata and is read from agentstack.json in the user’s project directory.


Instantiate ConfigFile to read the relevant part from the user project’s agentstack.json file.

config = ConfigFile()

Use the ConfigFile as a context manager to modify and write the relevant part of the user project’s agentstack.json file.

with ConfigFile() as config:
    config.framework = "crewai"


AgentStack logs to stdout/stderr if available, and to agentstack.log in the current project directory, if it exists.

Log Handlers

debug, tool_use, thinking, info, notify, success, response, warning and error are available as functions to log messages at the appropriate level.

log.debug("This is a debug message.")

set_stdout(stream: IO)

<None> This function sets the stdout stream for the application. To disable logging to stdout, set the stream to a new io.StringIO() object.

set_stderr(stream: IO)

<None> This function sets the stderr stream for the application. To disable logging to stderr, set the stream to a new io.StringIO() object.


Completed agents can be deployed to the AgentStack cloud service with a single command. This provides a fast, secure, and publicly available interface for your agentic workflows.

TODO: This is under development.


The command line interface for agentstack is provided in this package. Outside of all logic relating to the command line interface resides here.

Typically, functionality inside the cli package handles user input and output, error messaging and status updates.


We manage the virtual environment and dependencies for tools that are added to the project, in addition to keeping AgentStack up-to-date.


Auto-updates for AgentStack.


TODO: Tools should be documented here, or in sub-pages of documentation for an overview of their usage.


AgentStack generates code for a number of frameworks. The generated code is a starting point for a user’s project and is meant to be modified and extended to suit the user’s needs.


This is code that creates and modifies the agents in a user’s project. Agents include code that is part of a framework-specific entrypoint file.

TODO: Rename generation.agent_generation to generation.agents.


This is code that creates and modifies the tasks in a user’s project. Tasks include code that is part of a framework-specific entrypoint file.

TODO: Rename generation.task_generation to generation.tasks.

This is code that creates and modifies the tools in a user’s project. Tools are imported into the project and available for use by agents.

TODO: Rename generation.tool_generation to


This is code that creates and modifies the files in a user’s project.


This is the environment file for a user’s project. It contains the project’s environment variables. We dynamically modify this file to include relevant variables to support tools that are used in the project.



Since we’re interacting with generated code, we provide a shared toolkit for common AST operations.


AgentStack generates code for a number of frameworks. The generated code is a starting point for a user’s project and is meant to be modified and extended to suit the user’s needs. The frameworks package contains code that adapts general interactions with a framework into a specific implementation.


This is the base protocol for all framework implementations– all implementations must implement this protocol.


This is the implementation for the CrewAI framework. All code related specifically to CrewAI is contained in this package.


This is the implementation for the LangGraph framework. All code related specifically to LangGraph is contained in this package.


This is the implementation for the OpenAI Swarms framework. All code related specifically to OpenAI Swarms is contained in this package.


. TODO : Add LlamaIndex as a framework.


TODO: Add VRSEN Agency Swarm as a framework.