
This tools is a wrapper around the composio set of tools and gives your agent access to a wide variety of tools from the Composio SDK.


Add the Composio tool with

agentstack tools add composio

The following example demonstrates how to initialize the tool and execute a github action:

from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, App

composio_tools = ComposioToolSet().get_tools(apps=[App.GITHUB])
Its important that composio_tools is a list, even if only one element

If you don’t know what action you want to use, use from_app and tags filter to get relevant actions

from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, App

composio_tools = ComposioToolSet().from_app(App.GITHUB, tags=["important"])

or use use_case to search relevant actions

composio_tools = ComposioToolSet().from_app(App.GITHUB, use_case="Star a github repository")
  • More detailed list of tools can be found here